Posted in Dronings

Drone 192: Chicken Hawk Tweet Duck (and Definitions)

The Duck, Donald, bouffant hair, blowing in the wind.
But pointing to which end? To the front? To the rear?
Tweedly deet deet, the Duck is tweeting again.
Defecating, here and there, the Duck, as ducks do.

The Church (so they say) is blowing in the wind.
It’s God-talk business, but pointing which way?
To hell, of course, pop-culture and repackaged spin,
Tuxedoed Jesus, with a bit-part in the Passion Play.

Killers by proxy, no wait, they love you, yes they do.
They want to make it clear, their enemies are few.
Killers by proxy? Killers by Presidential decree?
But no, the Duck and George, just politics you see.

Oh noooo!, Oh noooo!, you’ve got to vote Republican!
It’s got to be better with the Duck and homo Et Al.!
Peter Thiel, the Duck alliance, and the Moral Majority,
Hear the money talk, with new Duck and homo authority.


  • Republicans: Hetero scumbags and homos who want to keep their money.
  • Democrats: Hetero scumbags and homos who want to give other people’s money away.